3 Ways To Advertise Your New Pet Sitting Business

Gain new clients for your pet sitting business by trying out some new methods of advertising. After you draw attention to your business, you will have a good chance of gaining new and loyal customers.

Order Colorful Inserts To Place In A Newspaper

Hire a printing service to help you design an insert that will attract the attention of people who own pets. Include photographs of you interacting with several animals and a detailed description of all of the services that you provide. Come up with a catchy phrase for your business and have it displayed in colorful letters across the top of the insert. Order several copies of the advertisement and have them printed on glossy paper.

Make arrangements to have the inserts placed in the center of your local newspaper. When people in the neighborhood read the daily news, your information will stand out and people may take the time to read what you have to offer. Flottman Company is a local company who does insert printing.

Dress Up As An Animal While Holding A Sign

Dress up in a dog or cat costume and walk around town with a large sign. Use bold colors of paint to display the name of your business, a brief description of the services that you provide, and your phone number on a large piece of cardboard.

Visit areas that people are often spotted in while spending time with their pets. A park, ball field, or outdoor flea market are some locations that you may want to consider. After pounding the pavement for a few hours, do not be surprised if you receive several calls inquiring about your services.

Hold A Raffle And Give Out Small Prizes

Most people enjoy winning prizes. You can gain exposure and attract new customers by holding a raffle. Some of the prizes that you can offer are discounted fees for your services, colorful shirts that have your business name printed on them, or a percentage of the money that you take in from selling raffle tickets. Create an advertisement that provides information about your business and add a small form at the bottom of it for people to fill out with their personal information.

Make copies of the advertisement and place them in local businesses. Check with the owner of each business before leaving behind some copies. Provide instructions on how to sign up for the raffle and specify the date of the drawing. Many people who decide to enter the raffle may also want to learn more about your business and choose to try out your services.

If your advertisements are different than those of similar businesses, you will be likely to capture the attention of people and may gain some loyal clients.
