Mailing Label Printing Tips
If you are a small business that often finds itself having to mail items to other companies or to customers, there's a good chance that you're spending a ton of time putting mailing labels on your products. You can significantly reduce this time by having the labels that you need made automatically. This is extremely important because it will allow you to put your efforts towards more important tasks and allow you to grow your business with less stress. Here are some tips for printing mailing labels so that your process is as smooth as possible.
1. Consider a Professional
If you don't want to bother in investing in a label printing machine for your mailing labels, you might want to consider hiring a company that specializes in shipping to just make your labels for you. Talk to the shipping company that you most frequently contract with and see what they can do for you. This could allow you to easily get your label needs met and ensure that the labels that are printed would be fully accepted by your shipping company. Shipping companies such as UPS will often have label printing services that are very helpful for small businesses, especially when the labels are printed in bulk.
2. Fill Up Label Sheets With Return Addresses
If you need to print out labels for 100 customers and your label sheets have 30 labels per sheet, you are going to have 20 empty labels left over. It is going to be difficult to set up a sheet to print on just those 20 labels that are left over. As a result, you will either end up wasting the labels, which will cause you to waste money, or you will find some other use for them. The best use for these extra labels is to simply fill them up with return address labels. Your business always needs return address labels and this allows you to have some on hand.
3. Try Your Labels on a Blank Sheet of Paper First
Label sheets can be very expensive. Before you do any new printing, be sure that you have everything lined up perfectly by doing a test run first using a blank sheet of paper, rather than a blank sheet of labels. The blank sheet of paper is much cheaper and will not be as wasteful if you have messed up the formatting.
For more information, talk to a company like UPS that specializes in printing for shipping purposes.